
    Langyue (Tangshan) Food Co., Ltd. is a company specializing in the production and sale of individually quick frozen (IQF) fruits and vegetables. Established in 2020, the company is currently located in the industrial of Zunhua City, Hebei Province, covering an area of approximately 3,000 square meters. Our main products include frozen vegetables, frozen fruits, etc.

    Langyue adheres to the business philosophy of "Developing through Quality and Winning the Market through Integrity." We continuously improve our product quality and service levels, earning the trust and support of our customers. Our team is passionate and innovative, with experience in the production and sale of frozen fruits and vegetables, and is dedicated to providing excellent service to our clients.

    Langyue has introduced cutting-edge production equipment and technology from both domestic and international sources, establishing a comprehensive quality management system to ensure the stability and reliability of our product quality. Our frozen fruit and vegetable products meet food safety standards and have received high praise from consumers.

    To meet customer demands, we actively engage in market expansion and product innovation. We continuously introduce new varieties and flavors of frozen fruit and vegetable products, and continuously improve our production processes and management models to adapt to customer needs. Our customer-oriented approach ensures that we provide products and services tailored to our clients' requirements.

    Langyue has always adhered to the business philosophy of "Integrity as the Foundation, Quality for Survival." We focus on mutually beneficial cooperation with our clients, earning their unanimous praise through technical support, production management, and comprehensive after-sales service. In the future, the company will continue to actively research and develop new frozen fruit and vegetable products, expand the market, and provide exceptional products and services to our customers.







    朗閱(唐山)食品有限公司,專營 速凍其他系列 速凍芋頭系列 速凍蘋果系列 速凍菠蘿系列 等業(yè)務,有意向的客戶請咨詢我們,聯系電話:15811404125

    CopyRight ? 版權所有: 朗閱(唐山)食品有限公司 技術支持: 網站地圖 XML 備案號:冀ICP備2023008661號-1

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